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Force Plate outputs

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What outputs (metrics) does PlateMate produce?

Here you will find an overview of all metrics plus short descriptions of what each metric means and it’s corresponding unit.

Flight Time
Explanation: Time spent in the flight phase.
Unit: s

Net Impulse
Explanation: The total impulse (bodyweight subtracted) applied during the braking+propulsive phase.
Unit: N.s

Jump Height (Flight Time)
Explanation: Jump Height calculated by Flight Time (FT).
Unit: cm

Jump Height (Net Impulse)
Explanation: Jump Height calculated by Net Impulse (NI).
Unit: cm

Peak Braking Force
Explanation: The peak instantaneous force during the braking phase.
Unit: N

Avg Braking Force
Explanation: The average force during the braking phase.
Unit: N

Min Braking Velocity
Explanation: The minimum velocity during the braking phase.
Unit: m/s

Avg Braking Velocity
Explanation: The average velocity during the braking phase.
Unit: m/s

Peak Braking Power
Explanation: The peak instantaneous power during the braking phase.
Unit: W

Avg Braking Power
Explanation: The average mechanical power during the braking phase.
Unit: W

Braking Work
Explanation: The total work done during the braking phase.
Unit: J

Force @ Zero Velocity
Explanation: The force applied at the moment when velocity is zero.
Unit: N

Avg Propulsive Force
Explanation: The average force during the propulsive phase.
Unit: N

Peak Propulsive Force
Explanation: The peak instantaneous force during the propulsive phase.
Unit: N

Peak Propulsive Velocity
Explanation: The highest velocity reached during the propulsive phase.
Unit: m/s

Avg Propulsive Velocity
Explanation: The average velocity during the propulsive phase.
Unit: m/s

Peak Propulsive Power
Explanation: The maximum power output during the propulsive phase.
Unit: W

Avg Propulsive Power
Explanation: The average power output during the propulsive phase.
Unit: W

Propulsive Work
Explanation: The total work done during the propulsive phase.
Unit: J

Avg Braking RFD
Explanation: The average slope of force during the braking phase.
Unit: N/s

Left Braking RFD
Explanation: The average (left) slope of force during the braking phase.
Unit: N/s

Right Braking RFD
Explanation: The average (right) slope of force during the braking phase.
Unit: N/s

Braking RFD Symmetry Index
Explanation: Symmetry Index (SI) % of the average braking RFD – with the calculation being diff / sum * 100. Positive values favor the left, negative values favor the right.
Unit: %

Deceleration RFD
Explanation: The rate of force development during deceleration.
Unit: N/s

Deceleration RFD, Left
Explanation: The rate of force development during deceleration for the left side.
Unit: N/s

Deceleration RFD, Right
Explanation: The rate of force development during deceleration for the right side.
Unit: N/s

Deceleration RFD, Symmetry Index
Explanation: Deceleration RFD Symmetry Index (SI) with the calculation being diff / sum * 100. Positive values favor the left, negative values favor the right.
Unit: %

System Weight
Explanation: Measured weight of the user during the weighting phase, just before the jump.
Unit: kg

Takeoff Velocity
Explanation: The velocity at takeoff.
Unit: m/s

Peak Force
Explanation: The peak instantaneous force during the entire jump.
Unit: N

Peak Velocity
Explanation: The peak instantaneous velocity during the propulsion phase.
Unit: m/s

Peak Power
Explanation: The peak instantaneous power during the entire jump.
Unit: W

Force @ Peak Power
Explanation: The instantaneous force at peak power (of entire dataset).
Unit: N

Velocity @ Peak Power
Explanation: The instantaneous velocity at peak power (of entire dataset).
Unit: m/s

Time to Peak Force
Explanation: time from initiation of the jump to max peak force encountered during the jump.
Unit: s

Explanation: Average Rate-of-Force Development (RFD).
Unit: N/s

Contact Time
Explanation: Time spent in contact with the PlateMate during the jump analysis, before takeoff.
Unit: s

Explanation: RSI = Flight Time / Contact Time.
Unit: No unit (ratio)

RSI Modified
Explanation: Modified RSI (mRSI) = Jump Height (FT) / Contact Time.
Unit: m/s

RSI Exponential
Explanation: Our own formula for RSI during Drop Jumps: FlightTime^2 / Contact Time.
Unit: m/s

Left net impulse
Explanation: The Left impulse (bodyweight subtracted) applied during the braking+propulsive phase
Unit: N s

Right net impluse
Explanation: The Right impulse (bodyweight subtracted) applied during the braking+propulsive phase
Unit: N s

Net Impulse Symmetry Index
Explanation: Net impulse Symmetry Index (SI) % – with the calculation being diff / sum * 100. Positive values favor the left, negative values favor the right.
Unit: %

Left Peak Force
Explanation: Left Peak Force encountered during the jump
Unit: N

Right Peak Force
Explanation: Right Peak Force encountered during the jump
Unit: N

Peak Force Symmetry Index
Explanation: Peak Force Symmetry Index (SI) % – with the calculation being diff / sum * 100. Positive values favor the left, negative values favor the right.
Unit: %

Left – time to peak force
Explanation: (Left) Time taken to reach peak instantaneous force (from start of jump)
Unit: s

Right – time to peak force
Explanation: (Right) Time taken to reach peak instantaneous force (from start of jump)
Unit: s

Time to peak force Symmetry Index
Explanation: Average braking RFD Symmetry Index (SI) % – with the calculation being diff / sum * 100. Positive values favor the left, negative values favor the right.
Unit: %

Left Avg braking RFD
Explanation: The (Left) average RFD during the braking phase
Unit: N/s

Right Avg braking RFD
Explanation: The (Right) average RFD during the braking phase
Unit: N/s

Avg braking RFD Symmetry Index
Explanation: Average braking RFD Symmetry Index (SI) % – with the calculation being diff / sum * 100. Positive values favor the left, negative values favor the right.
Unit: %

Unweighting Duration
Explanation: Duration of the unweighting fase
Unit: s

Braking Duration
Explanation: Duration of the braking fase
Unit: s

Propulsive Duration
Explanation: Duration of the propulsive fase
Unit: s

Force plate outputs per jump type

PlateMate can detect different types of jumps. Depending on which type, different metrics will be calculated.
The following is a list of metrics calculated for each jump type

Countermovement jump (CMJ)

  • Left net impulse
  • Right net impluse
  • Net Impulse Symmetry Index
  • Left Peak Force
  • Right Peak Force
  • Peak Force Symmetry Index
  • Left – time to peak force
  • Right – time to peak force
  • Time to peak force Symmetry Index
  • Left Avg RFD
  • Right Avg RFD
  • Avg braking RFD Symmetry Index
  • Unweighting Duration
  • Braking Duration
  • Propulsive Duration
  • Peak Braking Force
  • Avg Braking Force
  • Min Braking Velocity
  • Avg Braking Velocity
  • Peak Braking Power
  • Avg Braking Power
  • Braking Work
  • Force @ Zero Velocity
  • Avg Propulsive Force
  • Peak Propulsive Force
  • Peak Propulsive Velocity
  • Avg Propulsive Velocity
  • Peak Propulsive Power
  • Avg Propulsive Power
  • Propulsive Work
  • Avg Braking RFD
  • Left Braking RFD
  • Right Braking RFD
  • Braking RFD Symmetry Index
  • Deceleration RFD
  • Deceleration RFD, Left
  • Deceleration RFD, Right
  • Deceleration RFD, Symmetry Index
  • System Weight
  • Flight Time
  • Net Impulse
  • Jump Height (Flight Time)
  • Jump Height (Net Impulse)
  • Takeoff Velocity
  • Peak Force
  • Peak Velocity
  • Peak Power
  • Force @ Peak Power
  • Velocity @ Peak Power
  • Time to Peak Force
  • Avg RFD
  • Contact Time
  • RSI Modified

Squat jump (SJ)

  • Left net impulse
  • Right net impulse
  • Net Impulse Symmetry Index
  • Left Peak Force
  • Right Peak Force
  • Peak Force Symmetry Index
  • Left – time to peak force
  • Right – time to peak force
  • Time to peak force Symmetry Index
  • Avg Propulsive Force
  • Peak Propulsive Force
  • Peak Propulsive Velocity
  • Avg Propulsive Velocity
  • Peak Propulsive Power
  • Avg Propulsive Power
  • Propulsive Work
  • Deceleration RFD, Left
  • Deceleration RFD, Right
  • Deceleration RFD, Symmetry Index
  • System Weight
  • Flight Time
  • Net Impulse
  • Jump Height (Flight Time)
  • Jump Height (Net Impulse)
  • Takeoff Velocity
  • Peak Force
  • Peak Velocity
  • Peak Power
  • Force @ Peak Power
  • Velocity @ Peak Power
  • Time to Peak Force
  • Avg RFD
  • Contact Time
  • RSI
  • RSI Modified

Drop jump (DJ)

  • System Weight
  • Flight Time
  • Jump Height (ft)
  • Contact Time
  • RSI
  • RSI Modified
  • RSI Exponential